Tuesday, June 16, 2009

5 Ways to Get the Best of a High Pressure Salesman

One day, you will be pressured into paying too much for something you don’t need. This pressure to spend your hard earned money will come from a person who is trained to overcome your every objection; who is taught to use your emotions to control your actions. The result usually ends up with you pressing pen to paper and signing your name onto a sales agreement. How can you protect yourself, and your finances, when you meet this person? You must be prepared. You must acquire knowledge of the counter-tactics that will allow you to hold your ground. And most importantly, you -must- learn how to say, “No.” It doesn’t matter what the product is, whether it is a new roof, windows, gym memberships, cars, newspaper subscriptions, household goods, or electronics. They are all trained to do and say the same things, and following this introduction are a few ways you can get the best of high pressure salesman and free yourself financially at the same time:

1. Make it known from the beginning that you are shopping around. You may not always be able to get the exact price you want, but it will help reduce the cost of the item or service if the high pressure salesman thinks that you have options other than him. For example, if you are looking to get the best possible price on a gym membership, immediately say something like, “I’m looking for a gym membership, and I’m trying to decide between here and Gold’s Gym. I want to get a feel for the different prices, policies, and gym atmospheres available to me.” They will give you much better prices and benefits if they think you have other options. This tip is true even in situations such as negotiating a better job offer.

2. Realize that you don’t have to commit to anything. Often, the high pressure salesman will try to convince you that you should “lock in” the great price he has quoted you by paying for it and signing the contract right at that moment. He will counter all of your objections by telling you that if you decide anytime over the next three days that you want to cancel, you can call him and he will tear up the contract. There will be better deals, and there will be more salesman. If you are not 100% happy with what you are hearing, never sign anything.

3. Do your research on the company and its product or service. Know the negative aspects of what you are about to purchase. Look up reviews online, talk to your friends and ask them what they know, and pay attention to comparisons of other products. You can use this information at an opportune time to catch the salesman off guard with a well placed question. For example, a friend tells you the subscription has a hidden cancellation fee, so when you are being pressured by the salesman, you can ask him, “Are there any hidden cancellation fees?” He will know that you are not someone he can easily take advantage of.

4. Play the game. The goal of the salesman is to make you comfortable with spending your money. Until you show signs of resistance, the salesman will be as pleasant as he can possibly be. The key is to reverse this concept and use it against him. If you know you are going to buy something, respond positively to all of his questions and when talks of price come up, use the advice in Tip #5. Because you were so happy with his explanations and only showed resistance when he brought up price, he will quickly lower the quotes he first gave you. If you are not going to buy anything, don't waste your time and the salesman's time by playing the game. Make it clear that you do not want to discuss his product or service and promptly end the conversation

5. Just say “No.” This is by far the most valuable, tried, and true method to getting the lowest possible price from a high pressure salesman. The one stipulation is that you must be willing to walk away. If all of the other tips fail, or you don’t even want to bother with trying the other tips, put your hope for lower prices in the word “No.” The simple fact of the matter is that the salesman lives up to his name; his goal is to make a sale. If you say no to his price, and you get up and walk away, he makes nothing. Even the smallest commission is better than nothing, and the salesman will do anything he can to keep you at the bargaining table. That means if you say no enough and stick to your guns, you WILL see the lowest possible price. And if you aren’t satisfied with that number, get up and walk away. There will be more salesmen from different companies whenever you need them.

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